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  • Nice to meet you! I'm ...
  • ✨Focusing on building software that addresses issues in the global social and policy spaces

    ✨Founder @ The Umbrella Initiative

    ✨Deep social media analysis intern @ School of Public Policy

    ✨Currently working on using Flask and Heroku to host applications

    ✨Looking to dive into the software-mental health interface

    ✨Fun fact! I've been featured in my university magazine for authoring and publishing my own book!

  • Software Engineering, minor in Biomedical Engineering
  • Schulich Leader 2021
  • Scholar's Academy
  • Dean's List


Machine Learning Engineer Intern

June 2021 - August 2021

Olsen Consulting

Machine Learning Engineer Intern

September 2021 - August 2021

Summer Research

Deep Social Media Analyst

May 2022 - August 2022

  • This Website
  • Made using HTML, CSS, and JS. Learned responsive web design, perseverance, and JS libraries. Access here

  • Heart Disease Data Analyzer
  • Created for the ENDG233 Final Project. A simple linear regression with a variety of Numpy and SciKit visuals. Access here

  • Harassment Reporting App
  • Flask and Postgres, deployed through Heroku. Individuals getting harressed can quickly submit a report that gets sent to the proper services (backend) so that consequential action can be taken and accountability can be held. Accessible here

  • Recipe App
  • React and the Recipe API from Edamam. Created as practice for React how API's are used preceding creating my own API. See here

  • Have...
  • ⚓ an organized and critical mindset

    ⚓ the confidence to start something new

  • Care for better...
  • ⚓ environmentally sustainability innovations

    ⚓ education initiatives

    ⚓ mental health support

  • Always be...
  • ⚓ in a room where you're not the smartest

    ⚓ the reason someone smiles today

    ⚓ constantly changing

    ⚓ remembered